Together we can change the stigma around self-care from selfish to caring. There are many of us who feel this calling to make health care simpler and more accessible. Most of all, we don’t want to make anyone wrong, we want to help people find the tools that work for them. I don’t want teachers to tell me what works for them and give me their cookie cutters. I want teachers to help me discover what works for me.
This platform is dedicated to conversations about, “How do we love and listen to our bodies as teachers?”
It is devoted to finding the truth within each of us that helps us heal in our own unique and beautiful ways.
And let’s do it together, so we can have some fun on this journey together.
Take part in the Community
Hello, I am Aubrey Remedy and I am creating a private online learning community to empower you to learn about your body and how to care for you and the people you love. It’s not easy, so we need a team. I cannot do this by myself, so I am looking for others, beside me, to be the Remedy in their families and their communities.
I want to be the RemedyBe the Remedy
If this sounds like you, here are some ways you may identify yourself as a member of
You are the remedy because you value your heart and your gut as much as you value your head.
You are the remedy because you know there is value in your scars and your lessons and you wish to honor those scars in the arena of a healthy, vibrant life.
You are the remedy because you can feel a new attitude on life forming within you, but need help finding the words to this new song you are hearing.
You are the remedy because you want to bring others along as you walk your path, even when you fall and have to get up again.
You are the remedy because you want to create Heaven on Earth now, in this life and in this body. You are not waiting for the afterlife to feel fulfilled.
If any of these resonate with you, please join the online community, We Are The Remedy. I look forward to meeting you there!